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Hallo ich habe eine neue Gruppe aufgemacht zur Covergestaltung vielleicht hast du ja Lust mit zu machen.
I understand your motive behind writing all of these titles, but I feel you are using the wrong place to stage your movement. This is a writing site, where writers get together to help each other out on the subject of writing, not bringing people into the light. I agree with a lot of the things you are saying, but I feel that you're making it difficult for people like me, who want to get published eventually, to use this site... Show more
So I just want to know, why, for nearly all of you book postings of chapters from Song of Solomon, do you have such provocative covers?
God gave me those titles. That is all. Madeline. Karen.
They just confused me.
Hi Karen, I really like your profile picture. I look forward to reading your books.