im not afraid of death because its a part of life and ive seen so much of it.
ok but it`s not you din`t create it jade but if u need anyone to talk to i`m here just e-mail me
hay jade i was strying to see what happened to make sure you were ok and you did what you had to remeber that im here with open arms you are like my bookrix sister that i love i don`t want nothing to happen to you so please let me know if there is anything that i can do for you and send you anything but just know im here i have a home in flordia and i can see if my phiance will mind if i will take you in my arms to get you... Show more
im not proud of everything that has happened in my past.i feel like its all my fault.that i have nowhere to turn to and i need an escape that exist.
hey i would likke for everyone to read my books go on my page and read them please and comment