I am to be

not a sham By:
User: Kalai
I am to be

Someone called me 'sham' in the work place. Shockingly it helped me to realize where I stand in my life now and what things I must learn to improve.  As we grow, we learn how to handle words that hurt.

sham, false, fake
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I could feel the pain of your words in this poem. Sometimes people throw arrows at us, but they don't know who we really are, in our hearts. This poem expresses sincere and truthful feelings. Thank you for offering a gimpse of real, raw emotions. Incredible job, Kalai!

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Important Post

Very beautiful poem! I could feel your hurt.You are truthful about your feelings and definitely not a sham.I am proud to have found your work on bookrix and am so appreciative that you have commented on my writing as well! Keep up the good work K!

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Such a hurtful word, and how it is meant to make you feel less than what you are. When arrows fly to wound your heart be strong, and know that this is not the truth. Serena

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I have to say your poem is so beautifully written, and so realistic. I love reading poems like this, you have really expressed your feelings in a powerful manor. I hope to read more of your work, and Thank you for sharing this poem.

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Susie Q Whitmer

I'm glad I read this piece, you are a truly talented poet :) I could feel the sting of those words as you wrote them. Bravo!

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Sounds to me like you wrote this on one of your down days.
Still, i's well done.

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