Journey of Kindness

Journey of Kindness
The kindness of a stranger at a cinema goes a long way to a single mother.

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So Sweet! I knew they would end up together!

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thats really a cute story, you have my vote

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What a charming story! And thanks for the clarification at the end - it helped. Oh, and you got my vote!

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This is such a sweet short romance. But I agree with Valerie (gooduklady) that not all your readers understand such acronyms. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but . . .

A.S.L. refers to online chatting acronym of "age, sex, location?" An inquiry of one's age, gender, and location

Id - joker refers to a shortened form of “identification joker”; a way of asking a person for an ID (identification card)

I like your style of using... Show more

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I quite liked parts of this story, but I am afraid I did not understand page 7. I don't know what ASL means and I don't understand the part about i.d. joker. Perhaps you could clear it up as I expect others will be lost too.

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