Abstract Literature By: Marie de Sade, Dr. Olaf HoffmannEvery number counts!
Every number excites until the climax!
The mystery of fulfilment can be quantified!
This volume supplements the number fetish with a lavish abundance of further numbers!
In this extensive work of abstract literature, there is no shortage of numbers.
The inclined public is generously treated to a large number of numbers.
The mystery of passions is indulged unrestrainedly in numerous articles.
The public is allowed to pay excessive homage to the fetish, to intoxicate itself unrestrainedly with opulence and abundance, to shamelessly indulge in the stream of lustful numbers and lavish digits, to devote itself orgiastically to the erotic and bizarre secrets of fetishism.
Numbers in countless positions reveal the wild abysses of special fetishes, the hidden lust of eccentric devotion.
Revelling in the abundance of numbers, being allowed to count them off for free, that's how it should be, that's how it should be.
Those who are also into cryptology and riddles will also have their fetish catered for, encouraged to the point of nervous madness.
Where, how, through what?
Which key fits into the hole, which one opens paradise.
Every seeker can indulge in the longing for fulfilment, because such thirst is not simply quenched, it is stimulated, aroused, stimulated in the intoxication of the noise, so that it continues to swell to the limit of the bearable.
With the solution comes release, with the climax comes triumph, relief, relaxation.
First Edition: 2024-01-01
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