Art For The Heart

  • 14 Members
  • 6 Posts
  • Public Group
  • Group Language: English
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Art For The Heart is a group for those who write from their heart and use their writings as art. For those of you who enter this group, you must feel that writing is art.


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If you have an idea for a book and need help, I would be delighted to help! By: Deleted User
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If you have an idea for a book and need help, I would be delighted to help!

If you have a new book and would like somebody to read it, please request it here! I would be hon... By: Deleted User
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If you have a new book and would like somebody to read it, please request it here! I would be honoured to read it!

Any interesting books out there? Request them to me! By: Deleted User
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Any interesting books out there? Request them to me!

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Try out my new story; "The Happiness Project," I am trying out a new writing style, with a very unique, take a look and tell me what you think?

If any member would like to be a moderator, just let me know! By: Deleted User
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If any member would like to be a moderator, just let me know!


Oooh! Can I be a mod? :3
I'm sensible (and silly too)

Deleted User

Ok! I'll add you ASAP!!


Yay! <0_0< >0_0> ^0_0^ (kirby dance xD)

Hey everybody... No posts yet??? Dang.... Oh well, if you have a request to read a book, I would ... By: Deleted User
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Hey everybody... No posts yet??? Dang....
Oh well, if you have a request to read a book, I would love to read it!!

Give out requests! I'll be glad to read it and give you comments and feedback! I love a wide variety of books, and I'll basically read anything!

Thank you!

I am IN LOVE with the Mona Lisa...but if it was a book, I think that the best book I've ever read... By: Deleted User
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I am IN LOVE with the Mona Lisa...but if it was a book, I think that the best book I've ever read in my life was "Let Me In" or "Let The Right One In".... It was the most honest, beautiful book I've ever read, and it had a very interesting take on the modern vampire!

Whoever has access to this amazingly incredible book, I propose you read it, and I promise you will not be disappointed.

With Love and Respect,

Excella Marie Jackson

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