Fantasy and Science Fiction

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Haven for readers and writers of Fantasy and Science Fiction.

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THIS THREAD WILL BE POSTED IN BY ADMIN PERSONNEL ONLY. If you have a book you would like to enter... By: stevie.grace
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THIS THREAD WILL BE POSTED IN BY ADMIN PERSONNEL ONLY. If you have a book you would like to enter into the bookstore, please contact either myself, cavlaster, or happydagger and we will be more than happy to upload it.

As BookRix launches their new BookRix eBooks store, the F/SF admin team decided to set up our own mini-offshoot. This bookstore will feature any Fantasy or Science-Fiction genre works which you, our members,... Show more

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Leandra A

I made this book with the intention of making something more than a fantasy-romance like please feel free to read it if you have time ^_^

- Leandra A.

You're My First Wish. The Genie's Little Bride  "Once upon a time a young man called Aladdin found a lamp inside a dungeon and made three wishes to the genie that is inside the lamp. The Genie was able to fulfill his first and second wish but w...

This is book is part of a series and will have 8 total. There are 3 books out right now. I'm sure someone would be interested! Id love to check your book out as well! <3

So that no one thinks I am singling them out, let me make this a broad address. Please do not pr... By: stevie.grace
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So that no one thinks I am singling them out, let me make this a broad address.

Please do not promote your contest books in this forum.

Let me say it again.

Please DO NOT promote your contest books in this forum.

I am not afraid of deleting threads or stepping on toes, but I would prefer to avoid that. This forum is specifically for discussing themes associated with Sci-Fi/Fantasy as a genre, as well as the writing of and the... Show more

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can do

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I tend to function by figuring out boundaries and working within them. If I don't know boundaries, I freeze up. :) Hopefully, this helps y'all out. :)

If you're a newbie here, post a comment and tell us a little about yourself. Let's make our forum... By: stevie.grace
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If you're a newbie here, post a comment and tell us a little about yourself. Let's make our forum the most connected out there. All of you more experienced BookRix-ers, jump in and let's help them get acquainted with this awesome site! :)

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C. Vlostock

Uh hi. I'm a SciFi addict. Please don't judge me:p
Rather feed my addiction.

James H. Jenkins

Just joined. I'm an older American Military Veteran. I write fantasy and Science fiction, from Thailand. I heard about this site from a question to me, on Quora. I had never previously heard of this site, so, here I am.


Greetings Fellow SciFi-ctionados!

When I'm not fighting crime in St Canard, I enjoy diving into the gritty world of Fantasy/Military-flavoured SciFi, and most ANY book/short story which beaks (lame duck joke) my interest! I'm rather late in getting into Fantasy, but better late... Show more

Have a book you what reviewed and read by others? Feel free to post your book's link and blurb be... By: cavlaster
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Have a book you what reviewed and read by others? Feel free to post your book's link and blurb below. Remember, the more luring you are, the more readers you'll get. Best wishes!! =-)

One, two,!!!

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R A Rice

My first complete 80k word Fantasy novel Tales From The Portal. Would love to have some feedback.

David M

Hello and greetings to everyone. I'm giving something away for FREE...

And no, it's not a free review copy of my book - I find the whole concept of book giveaways just makes me uncomfortable.

Intrigued? Staring at your screen in wide-eyed amazement? Then read on, gentle... Show more


Hey all! New to bookrix but not to writing. Could really use some opinions on my ebook, Strand: the Silver Radio!

It's a dystopian scifi romance about an Academy reject and the girl fated to become the new sun in a self-contained Tower society :)

Hey everyone! I wanted to share my new book with you. It's The Call to Adventure about Elara's ad... By: Lucas Moore
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Hey everyone! I wanted to share my new book with you. It's The Call to Adventure about Elara's adventure. I've poured my heart and soul into this book, and I would love for you to check it out.

You can find it on BookRix, where you can read the first few chapters for free. I would really appreciate it if you could take a look and let me know what you think. And if you enjoy the book, please leave a review to help other readers... Show more

Master the Use of the Hero's Journey in Your Life and Writing By: Irwin Berent
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I am the co-creator of StoryCraft Story-Creation Software, which began in 1996 as one of the first software programs for fiction writers. Back then, when no one even knew how software could be used to help you write a story, my company was the first to coin the term "story-creation software." Now called StoryCraft New Edition, in its first major makeover in nearly two decades, the program is the only writer's software that... Show more

In case you're wondering about the tips to help you brush up your writing skills, click on this l... By: Zeus
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In case you're wondering about the tips to help you brush up your writing skills, click on this link to find out

事出反常必有妖 By: guidiwangliang
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... Show more

Organic Sprouts Inc. By: Deleted User
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A misanthropic sci-fi set in a dystopia.

Free short story.

Please click my name to access the story.

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